the royal we

today is going to be a long day. already looking forward to nighttime starbucks.

i woke up today and found out 3 of my favorite bands had been nominated for grammys. kings of leon, mgmt, and silversun pickups. of course this isn’t the first time for the kings (if only people had payed attention to them for the other 3 albums), but i’m beyond happy that silversun pickups are finally being acknowledged for their beyond fantastic, genius music. keeping my fingers crossed that they win!!

my favorite songs of the three bands:

kings of leoncharmer, it’s not my party, cold desert, taper jean girl, 17

mgmtlove always remains, the handshake, kids, the youth

silversun pickupskissing families, little lover’s so polite, three seed, pretty much anything they do i will love.

peace xo